Sunday, September 13, 2020

COVID Chronicles -The Taste of Ferguson BOXED

The Annual "Taste Of Ferguson" was today, and due to COVID  the festivities were done a little different this year.  

First of all everything was pre-boxed and loaded into your car.  There were about 15 local Vendors that Participated.

Now i'll be the first to admit that I was pretty skeptical at how this was going to be pulled off, and I remained pretty skeptical even as they were loading the pre-boxed meals into the back seat of my car.

See, these preboxed sample meal kits were  $35......$50.....$125, and I ordered a $35 and $50 box for me and my son.  What came in the box were sample sized portions of all the vendors that participated, a insulated lunch bag, a travel mug, and utensils all with the Taste of Ferguson Logo.

All of the food was pretty good, nothing extraordinary. But I did get full off the sample sized portions so that was a plus.

The only complaint that I had was with the restaurant "Just Chicken".  Why the FUCK y'all didn't clean that chicken.  Ya'll saw all those feathers when y'all was seasoning that chicken, COME ON!!

Other than that, every other vendor was just.......ok!

This shit still had the feathers on it.


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