These pictures were taken circa 2004.
At the time I was doing some nude modeling for an online publication that specialized in BBW (Big Beautiful Women) Erotica. I was getting paid $500 per photo shoot, and lets just say there are a TON of nude pics of me on the internet
Hi MOM and DAD!!!
Being fat was a niche that paid well if you had the proper marketing machine behind you. I even had a slogan...."In a World of tiny fast cars, I'm a LUXURY Sedan". People would often ask if my son knew that I did nude modeling, and my answer would be....Why would HE?? He never went on photo shoots with me. And what ever he DOES know about me his reaction is usually....
I began to get tired of being the overweight sexy black girl and I eventually joined a gym (Didn't loose a pound)
It wasn't until I developed Diabetes in 2015 that I begin to see my weight shed. With a combination of getting old and having diabetes, I begin to develop strange eating habits. Like....eating my meals out of small saucers like the one posted below. My daily breakfast consisted of string cheese, Powerade, and a small fruit cup. If I did go out an eat, I'd NEVER finish it. I'd usually get full after eating 2-3 bites. And with constantly moving and walking fast on the job, I began to loose more weight.
(My Dinner Saucer)
BBW Magazine Circa 2004
I weighed 227
My sons Prom Circa 2019 I weighted 183

My Lunch today and I probably wont eat again....
Simply Thai
(Ferguson Location)
Fresh Spring Rolls
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